Welcome to Northtown Books! Your community bookstore since 1965.
957 H Street Arcata, CA 95521 | | (707) 822-2834| 老王v2.2.8

Welcome to Northtown Books! Your community bookstore since 1965.
We are now open for browsing from 12pm to 5pm, Monday through Saturday.
Mask required for entry, no exceptions.
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Our website is still available where you can place orders and have them shipped to you, or if it's a gift, to the person of your choice. Though, of course, we would love to see you in the store.
There is an option on our website to order and pick up a book at the store.
You can email the store with your requests/orders
Call the store Monday through Saturday from 12-5 when we will be taking calls. We have an answering machine but if you're placing an order it's best to speak to someone or send the order in an email.
There may be occasional delays, but we will let you know the status of your order as soon as possible.
No upcoming events available